
Getting to Know… Best of Bartenders, Vicky Burt

Family member and Christmas party enthusiast…

Name: Vicky Burt

Position at Langstone Cliff: Bartender

Length of service: 28 Years 6 Months

At Langstone Cliff we have some incredible staff that have been with us for a number of years. The hotel would not run as smoothly without our amazing team, and we’d like you to get to know them.

Vicky Burt is the daughter of Geoff and Gerry who have the important job of running Langstone Cliff. This means that Vicky knows the hotel inside out and has a lot of fond memories of growing up in and around Langstone. We asked her a few questions about what makes Langstone Cliff so special to her…

What is your favourite memory from working at the hotel?

Definitely staff parties; we used to hold them at the hotel, and they were always great fun. My dad always used to do the cooking and we all helped serve at the bar to start with, this was then taken over by the staff as it was a free bar. the only problem was, there was lots of mess to clear up the next day- so we now go out each year and leave the mess for someone else!

What makes Langstone Cliff so special to you?

It’s a great place to work and, as my parents run the hotel, that makes it all the more special because it has always been a part of my life. Everyone at the hotel feels like family; even those who I’m not directly related to.

What’s your favourite time of year at the hotel?

That would definitely have to be autumn, when all the colours change…

Vicky and the rest of the team look forward to welcoming you to the Langstone Cliff Hotel for your Devon staycation.